
on Saturday, January 13, 2007

Was never really a blogger.....or rather still am not. But today after two months of creating a blog, I am for the first time posting something. Everyday I would open my blog and see it empty. Think - What should I begin with? My thoughts, my day, my ideals or should it be about some "good" and some "strange" people around me, who compel me to think.

How strange is it in today's world, that we are extremely expressive and open about our thoughts, yet so secretive about ourselves. Wanna talk about the high rising oil prices, or discuss Saddam's 'attitude' before being hanged or maybe even the recent 'Indian Cannibal', we are all up for it - enthusiastic and shooting our personal views.

I wonder, what is it after all, that makes us? Thoughts that we express or actions we enshroud? Strange, yet again, how we are lost in thinking about it. I'll call it 'irony' - cause as I write this, I'm reminded of two clashing quotes - "Actions speak louder than words" and "Pen is mightier than sword"(though in today's time, I'd like to change the 'pen' to the 'keyboard').

Somebody once told me, or rather made me realise, it is never a single thing that can make a difference, it is always hitting the right combination to make things work. Maybe here too, it is not just about the words that flow or just the aggression-turned-actions that help, but a combination of both. I may sound too unsure in this piece, but maybe it is neither, it is simple "REALISATION" that actually makes all the difference.

It is words and actions, the strong key tools of 'realisation', which are used as an inflow as well as an outflow of what we call 'thoughts', but the word is 'realisation'. Calling ourselves the 'independent' souls of the country, we are in real terms 'dependant'. My realisation is dependant on my words and my words on your actions, your actions on some one's realisations and his realisation on his words. A combination, a cycle, which wraps us all and today I enjoin the cycle, finally!